Electronic Glass Scale - High Precision


Please place the scale on a hard and level surface and do not move it to different positions as it will cause variations.

  • Try to stand in the middle to avoid slipping.
  • Stand on the scale in proper balance to avoid locking failure and incorrect illustration.
  • Please wait 3-4 minutes to take the next reading as the scale needs time to recalibrate
  • The scale will weigh as soon as you step on the scale and it will close automatically after 10 seconds
  • Please keep it away from contact with any liquid substance and dust
  • The scale should weigh human weight, please do not weigh objects with it.
Why To Buy from Us:

✔️ Exceptional Customer Support.
✔️ Open parcel before payment.
✔️ 15-days check warranty. No Question Asked. 
✔️ Free pickup for Replacement/Refund.
✔️ Adventure Studio in I-8 Markaz, Islamabad.